Helping Cultivate Peace Through Better Organization

In 2020, the world as we knew it changed forever. My family and I were preparing to move to our new home. We were so excited for our next chapter! Everything we owned was boxed and ready to load onto the trailer. We used up the last of our groceries, planning to restock after the move, so even our fridge was completely empty. I never imagined a week later I would be standing in line praying that I would find a single ½ gallon of milk, a dozen eggs and a package of toilet paper. 

It was March 22, 2020. I stood in my beautiful new kitchen surrounded by absolute chaos, uncertain of what the future would hold. Boxes were scattered haphazardly in every direction, in some places taller than me. My husband was still going to work but leaving each morning wearing a mask and a worried look. My kids were now officially home from school and looked at me with various expressions of confusion, worry and maybe a little bit excitement mixed with disbelief that they didn’t have to go to school.

By nature, I am a highly organized individual. For me, the process of organizing always brought with it a sense of calm and control in the universe. In that moment of 2020, I had never craved it more. I felt an overwhelming need to create a safe haven from the storms raging around the world. I let the process envelop me. I went to bed ridiculously late and got up just a few short hours later, working around the clock to unpack and organize to help my family feel settled. Each box I unpacked and each drawer or cabinet I organized felt like a step toward peace in the chaos. I could see a tangible change in my kids as our home transformed from utter disaster to a warm, inviting and orderly space that offered refuge from the pandemic and the fear swirling outside the front door. 

The power of organization was never clearer.

The desire for organization is universal while our specific needs are beautifully diverse.

Over the years, I purchased dozens of drawer organizers. None of them fit. I couldn’t find a spice rack that worked with my cabinets. I couldn’t find storage bins that properly fit under my counters or on my shelves. Why weren’t there products out there to fit me personally? As my frustration grew so did an idea. I dreamed of an organizational company that had beautiful, quality and timeless products that were above all personal. This was the beginning of Salt by Sabrina.

Salt is clean, natural and enhances everything it touches.

Salt by Sabrina organizational solutions are designed to enhance your home by providing order and a place for everything. As a mom of four children, I understand the mayhem of modern life. I want to help empower you to convert any cluttered areas in your home into peaceful sanctuaries where every possession has a place.

Salt by Sabrina not only strives to provide a home for everything, but everyone. One dollar from every organizer purchased goes to Rooms Restored, a non-profit dedicated to helping victims of child sexual abuse.

I’m so pleased to meet you and hope you will join me on a journey toward better organization!

Wishing you peace, love, ORGANIZATION and happiness,