My Story

The Salt Life
I created Salt by Sabrina to instill peace and restore household order through beautiful, functional and personal designs. Each piece is unique to your organizational journey. When our drawers are organized, it feels like our lives are organized. The simple tasks of tidying a room or decluttering a closet empower us to deal with life's daily challenges.The Power of Organization
I love organization. In a world of ever-changing circumstances and unprecedented realities, order can ground and empower us. In all my experiences, the desire for a more organized life seems universal. If you are here with me, I hope you will find paradigm-shifting ideas coupled with beautiful, innovative products designed just for you.

How It All Started
I spent the past 16 years as a working mom. I worked in photography, struggling to balance being a mother and having a career while working to gain a solid place in the industry. I had incredible opportunities working with various companies, wonderful non-profits and traveling to remote parts of the world. There were years I worked almost full-time and some years that I barely worked at all so I could be at home with my four children. In 2020 I wrote down a single goal – to start a business. Salt by Sabrina is the result of that tiny moment followed by months and years of thinking, designing, networking, building and creating that changed everything.

Simply Salt
Every product at Salt by Sabrina is designed to simplify your life, beautify your spaces, and empower you with confidence. I believe every storage solution should improve your life and bring you joy.
Take Joy in the Process
I have had a beautiful life. It has been filled with exquisite moments of joy as well as heart rending sadness. When life has dealt me a basket of lemons, my mind retreats to the complex and incredible process of organizing. If I can’t control the challenges being thrown at me, I can clean, filter, organize and create. The process is like a wonderful mathematical equation for me to solve. I take each space and find the most efficient way for it to function and then I go to work making it beautiful in the process. Organization has been a lifeline for me and something that never fails to bring me joy. I hope to share that same joy with you!

Simply Salt
Defined by Details
Organization is transformative. It shifts our outlook from chaos to peace, bringing the details into focus so we can zero in on more of what matters. From our custom drawer organizers made just for you from premium, crystal-clear acrylic to our sustainably sourced, hand-crafted storage baskets, every Salt by Sabrina product is defined by details, empowering you to live life organized.
The Salt Team
I have met people who have changed my life with their kindness, people who have inspired me to be better and stronger, people who have encouraged me to follow my dreams. I couldn't have built this business without all of these people sharing their talents and support with me every single day. My family has sacrificed, supported me and believed in me. My friends and co-workers have offered counsel and expertise. All those efforts have allowed Salt to become the organizational solution that I hope will change your life as much as it has mine. Thank you to each and every person who helped me get here.

Simply Salt
Elevated Experience
From the moment you click on our webpage to the moment you open your box with a beautiful, new product inside, your experience should be exceptional. At Salt by Sabrina our only goal is to exceed your expectations at every turn.
Why Salt?
Salt is clean, natural and enhances everything it touches. Salt is essential for life, seasoning and preservation. Similarly, Salt by Sabrina organizational solutions enhance homes by providing order and a place for everything.

Simply Salt
Give Back
At Salt by Sabrina, we strive to provide a home for everything and everyone. When everything has a home, cleaning up is a breeze and when everyone has a place to call home, the world is a better place. A portion of the proceeds from every drawer organizer sold benefits America's Kids Belong, an organization dedicated to finding permanent homes for children in the foster care system.